News & Stories: Policy Monitor

June 12, 2017

1,5 M$ pour investir en infrastructures dans les CPE

Excerpt: "Pour assurer la santé et la sécurité des enfants en services de garde, le Gouvernement du Québec lance un appel de projets, pour l'année 2017­-2018, à l'intention des centres de la petite enfance (CPE), dans le cadre de la subvention pour les projets d'investissement en infrastructures (SPII)."
June 12, 2017

Maternelle 4 ans à temps plein pour les enfants en milieu défavorisé - Le ministre Proulx annonce l'ajout de 100 classes pour l'année scolaire 2017-2018

Excerpt: "Dans le but d'offrir un encadrement pédagogique à un plus grand nombre d'enfants dès le plus jeune âge et de bien les accompagner dans leurs premiers pas à l'école, jusqu'à 100 nouvelles classes de maternelle 4 ans à temps plein en milieu défavorisé pourront ouvrir dès la rentrée scolaire 2017."
March 27, 2018

Budget 2018-2019 - A Plan for Success

Highlights: "Nearly $160 million to enhance the tax credit for childcare expenses; More than $80 million to support families with children: Improving the offering of childcare services in order to foster family-work-study balance; Providing the Fondation du Dr Julien with stronger support for social pediatrics; Supporting regional and local mobilization for early childhood development."
December 31, 2018

Excerpt: "The government will give back to families and seniors nearly $1.7 billion over five years. To do so, it is planning on the following: payment of a more generous family allowance for families with two or more children beginning in 2019; freeze on the additional contribution for subsidized childcare as of 2019."
March 21, 2019

Excerpt: "Universal kindergarten for 4 year- olds will be rolled out taking into account the school system's current resources. The teachers will be supported by an educator or special education technician and a team of professionals. The government plans to add 250 new classes starting in September 2019."
February 12, 2020

Excerpt: "Kindergarten classes for children from the age of 4 is a non-compulsory service made available to families with the passage of Bill 5 in 2019. It is being phased in gradually in schools across Québec. The Preschool Education Program for 4-Year-Olds is intended to facilitate the global development of all children in that age bracket by offering them challenges adapted to their needs and interests in a context where the focus is on play."
March 10, 2020

Minister of Finance Eric Girard delivered Budget Speech 2020-2021 on March 10, 2020.
October 31, 2020

Excerpt: "FINDINGS: There are not enough places available in subsidized childcare to meet the needs of families in Québec. Families that are unable to find subsidized childcare pay more for a service whose quality does not necessarily meet expectations; The children of low-income families are underrepresented in childcare centres (CPE) that are located in the administrative regions of Laval and Montréal; The Place 0-5 single-window access to childcare services does not allow for the efficient management of access to these services. Theinformation presented on the website is not up-to-date and is not sufficient to meet the needs of parents; The oversight of childcare services by the ministère de la Famille is largely insufficient to optimize access to childcare services, in particular for families with a child who has special needs; The ministère de la Famille is not meeting its objectives for the creation of new places in subsidized childcare that were announced several years ago, which prevents it from meeting the needs of families."
October 8, 2020

Excerpt: "Today, the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Ahmed Hussen, announced $137 million in federal support for Quebec’s child care sector to help ensure that safe and sufficient child care spaces are available to support parents’ gradual return to work."
August 5, 2021

Excerpt: "The governments of Quebec and Canada recognize Quebec’s leadership in early learning and child care and together, they have announced an asymmetric agreement for the federal transfer of nearly $6 billion over five years. This includes a significant portion that will go toward strengthening the early learning and child care system in Quebec and improving working conditions for educators."