This course examines current issues and applications of blended learning, where some learning is facilitated in a face-to-face environment and some is facilitated within a digital environment. Purposeful and pedagogically sound methods of digital teaching and learning in a blended learning environment are explored. This course examines applications and issues related to blended learning at all levels of education. Underlying this examination are the theoretical frameworks of constructivist learning and TPACK, and the issue of technology transience as it affects the design and incorporation of a digital learning environment. The digital tools available to facilitate blended learning are explored from the perspective of how such applications can support, inform and enhance the design of digital learning environments and methods of teaching. Included in the course is a discussion of related terminology, the current state and trends of blended learning, and future predictions about teaching in digital environments that facilitate blended learning. Assessment, competencies, Universal Design for Learning and inclusion in blended learning are also examined. The readings will focus on the theoretical ideas themselves, along with the integration of digital tools and instructional methods to support student learning in a blended learning environment. The key, overarching question we’ll be considering in this course is: In times of technology transience, how can we best support student learning in blended learning environments? In other words, how do we design blended learning opportunities in ways that reflect what we know about how people communicate and learn through digital interactions?