8th Annual Summer Institute on Early Childhood Development

A child looking at toys in a basket.
June 1, 2011
8th Annual Summer Institute

Early Learning in Ontario: From Policy to Implementation

The early learning atmosphere in Ontario includes a number of significant policy changes that have created new opportunities and new challenges. Examples include moving the jurisdictional responsibility for early learning and child care to the Ministry of Education, a new regulatory body for early childhood educators, the expansion of degree programs in early learning, the unionization of early childhood educators and a blend of the teaching and early learning profession.

The 8th Summer Institute on Early Childhood Development addressed how these changes impact early learning professionals and focus on relationships amongst families and professionals that involve practitioners, colleges and universities, professional associations, and government.

Presentations and Panel Discussions

Opening Remarks

Presenters: Jenny Jenkins and Olivia Nuamah

Research to Inform Development of Effective Public Preschool Programs

Presenters: Ellen Frede and Steve Barnett

Panel Discussion: Building Minds for Collaboration

Presenters: Carl Corter (facilitator), Jenny Jenkins, Janette Pelletier, Sue Makin, and Patricia Chorney Rubin

Securing the Future for our Children: Preschool Excellence Initiative

Presenters: Linda Lowther

Panel Discussion: Moving the Vision Forward Through Local Leadership

Presenters: Jane Bertrand (facilitator), Elaine Baxter-Trahair, Anne Biscaro, and Catherine Fife

Closing Remarks and Awards Presentation

Presenters: Michael Cooke and Patricia Chorney Rubin


Children, Their Families and Community Supports: What the Research Tells Us

Presenters: Jenny Jenkins and Janette Pelletier

Merging Early Learning Knowledge and Practice: Lessons from the Ground

Presenter: Patricia Chorney Rubin, Early Learning Teams

Partnership Possibilities Through Child & Family Centres: Public Health and Early Childhood Education

Presenter: Sue Makin


Externalizing Behaviors in Children In-care: The Role of Child-welfare Workers and Foster Families (PowerPoint Download)

By Connie Cheung, Deborah Goodman, George Leckie, Jennifer M. Jenkins, Heather Prime, and Mark Wade

The Developmental Progression of Rational Number Understanding Using the Number Line (PowerPoint Download)

Stephanie Hanson, Diana Chang, Michelle Chee, Niki Dowlat Singh, Allison Musson, and Joan Moss

Tom Goes To School: An Interactive Board Game (PDF)

Melanie Mancini and Jamie Morris

Ecological Determinants of School Readiness: A Longitudinal Study (PowerPoint Download)

Mark Wade, Dillon Browne, Heather Prime, and Jennifer Jenkins

The Annual Summer Institute on Early Childhood Development is presented by: