Excerpt: "Through the Canada-New Brunswick Canada-Wide Child Care Agreement, the government will provide $37 million in 2023-24, bringing the total investment to $143 million, to improve access to affordable, quality designated child-care spaces throughout the province. An additional $4 million will be allocated to support the creation of additional preschool spaces within the for-profit sector. For the first time in decades, population growth is also having a direct impact in the education system. For the current school year, enrolment increased by more than 4,200. An additional 2,200 students are anticipated to arrive in the 2023-24 school year. The following investments will be made across all levels of the education system: $33.3 million will be allocated for more classroom teachers, facility requirements, and an increase in instructional materials; $2.4 million will be invested in supports for early intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder; $30.8 million to fund improvements to New Brunswick’s inclusive education system; $8.7 million to be invested in supports for improved literacy and numeracy; $4.4 million to support language acquisition of newcomer students; $2 million to be invested in student access to healthy foods in schools without an existing program; $14.8 million to address cost pressures associated with energy, transportation and contracted services; Up to $8.4 million to be invested in operational funding for public universities; $7.6 million to increase loan and bursary programs for post-secondary students requiring financial assistance."